u2fast - Unified2 to fast style printer

Read unified2 log files and output events in “fast” style.


usage: idstools-u2fast [-h] [-C <classification.config>] [-S <msg-msg.map>]
                       [-G <gen-msg.map>] [--snort-conf <snort.conf>]
                       [--directory <spool directory>]
                       [--prefix <spool file prefix>] [--bookmark] [--follow]
                       [filenames [filenames ...]]

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -C <classification.config>
                        path to classification config
  -S <msg-msg.map>      path to sid-msg.map
  -G <gen-msg.map>      path to gen-msg.map
  --snort-conf <snort.conf>
                        attempt to load classifications and map files based on
                        the location of the snort.conf
  --directory <spool directory>
                        spool directory (eg: /var/log/snort)
  --prefix <spool file prefix>
                        spool filename prefix (eg: unified2.log)
  --bookmark            enable bookmarking
  --follow              follow files/continuous mode (spool mode only)