rulecat - A Suricata rule update tool


idstools-rulecat [OPTIONS]


idstools-ruleset aims to be a simple to use rule download and management tool for Suricata. It can also be used for Snort when no SO rule stub generation is required.


-h, --help

Show help.

-v, --verbose

Be more verbose.

-t <directory>, --temp-dir=<directory>

Temporary working directory (default: /var/tmp/idstools-rulecat).

This is where downloaded files will be stored.


The path to the Suricata program used to determine which version of the ET pro rules to download if not explicitly set in a --url argument.

--suricata-version <version>

Set the Suricata version to a specific version instead of checking the version of Suricata on the path.


Force remote rule files to be downloaded if they otherwise wouldn’t be due to just recently downloaded, or the remote checksum matching the cached copy.

-o, --output

The directory where rule individual rules files will be written to. One of -o or --merged is required.


Write a single file containing all rules. This can be used in addition to --output or instead of --output.


Output a fragment of YAML containing the rule-files section will all downloaded rule files listed for inclusion in your suricata.yaml.


A URL to download rules from. This option can be used multiple times.

--local=<filename or directory>

A path to a filename or directory of local rule files to include. May be specified multiple times and should not include files in the output path.

If the path is a directory all files ending in .rules will be loaded.

Wildcards are accepted but to avoid shell expansion the argument must be quoted, for example:

--local '/etc/suricata/custom-*.rules'

Output a v1 style file.


Output a v2 style file.


Specify the configuration file for disabling rules.


Specify the configuration file for enabling rules.


Specify the configuration file for rule modifications.


Specify the configuration file for rules to change to drop.


Filenames to ignore. This is a pattern that will be matched against the basename of a rule files.

This argument may be specified multiple times.

Default: *deleted.rules

Alternatively the group matcher may be used in the file passed to --disable.


Disable the –ignore option. Most useful to disable the default ignore pattern without adding others.


Download the ET open ruleset. This is the default if --url or --etpro are not provided.

If one of etpro or --url is also specified, this option will at the ET open URL to the list of remote ruleset to be downloaded.


Download the ET pro ruleset using the provided code.

-q, --quiet

Run quietly. Only warning and error message will be displayed.


Output sample configuration files for the --disable, --enable, --modify and --threshold-in commands.


Specify the threshold.conf input template.


Specify the name of the processed threshold.conf to output.


A command to run after the rules have been updated; will not run if not change to the output files was made. For example:

--post-hook=sudo kill -USR2 $(cat /var/run/

will tell Suricata to reload its rules.

-V, --version

Display the version of idstools-rulecat.


Download ET Open rules for the version of Suricata found on the path, saving the rules in /etc/suricata/rules:

idstools-rulecat -o /etc/suricata/rules

Download ET Pro rules for the version of Suricata found on the path, saving the rules in /etc/suricata/rules:

idstools-rulecat --etpro XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -o /etc/suricata/rules

Download ET open rules plus an additional rule files and save the rules in /etc/suricata/rules:

idstools-rulecat --etopen \
    --url \
    -o /etc/suricata/rules

Configuration File

Command line arguments can be put in a file, one per line and used as a configuration file. By default, idstools-rulecat will look for a file in the current directory named rulecat.conf.

Example configuration file:

--post-hook=sudo kill -USR2 $(cat /var/run/

If rulecat.conf is in the current directory it will be used just by calling idstools-rulecat with no arguments. Otherwise you can point idstools-rulecat at a configuration with the command idstools-rulecat @/path/to/rulecat.conf.

Example Configuration Files

Example Configuration to Enable Rules (–enable)

# idstools-rulecat - enable.conf

# Example of enabling a rule by signature ID (gid is optional).
# 1:2019401
# 2019401

# Example of enabling a rule by regular expression.
# - All regular expression matches are case insensitive.
# re:hearbleed
# re:MS(0[7-9]|10)-\d+

Example Configuration to Enable Disable (–disable)

# idstools - disable.conf

# Example of disabling a rule by signature ID (gid is optional).
# 1:2019401
# 2019401

# Example of disabling a rule by regular expression.
# - All regular expression matches are case insensitive.
# re:hearbleed
# re:MS(0[7-9]|10)-\d+

Example Configuration to convert Rules to Drop (–drop)

# idstools-rulecat - drop.conf
# Rules matching specifiers in this file will be converted to drop rules.
# Examples:
# 1:2019401
# 2019401
# re:heartbleed
# re:MS(0[7-9]|10)-\d+

Example Configuration to modify Rules (–modify)

# idstools-rulecat - modify.conf

# Format: <sid> "<from>" "<to>"

# Example changing the seconds for rule 2019401 to 3600.
#2019401 "seconds \d+" "seconds 3600"

# Change all trojan-activity rules to drop. Its better to setup a
# drop.conf for this, but this does show the use of back references.
#re:classtype:trojan-activity "(alert)(.*)" "drop\\2"

# For compatibility, most Oinkmaster modifysid lines should work as
# well.
#modifysid * "^drop(.*)noalert(.*)" | "alert${1}noalert${2}"